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1) Unzip the livedrive zip file

2) Upload the addons/livedrive folder to your whmcs install location in the modules/addons folder

3) Upload the server/livedrive folder to your whmcs install location in the modules/servers folder

4) Upload the hooks/livedrive.php file to your whmcs install location in the includes/hooks folder


Go to Setup->addon modules

Click the “activate” link in the “ module” to enable it

Scroll down to the livedrive form, and fill the configuration fields:

Livedrive api key: Your livedrive reseller account apikey (REQUIRED)

Livedrive reseller username: Your livedrive reseller username

Livedrive reseller password: Your livedrive reseller password

Livedrive reseller email: Your livedrive reseller password (REQUIRED)

Livedrive reseller domain: If you have a white label reseller account write your domain , if not just write

Use whmcs username: If you want to use the whmcs lcient email as livedrive account username on all orders. NOT RECOMMENDED IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO OFFER MORE THAN ONE LIVEDRIVE ACCOUNT TO THE SAME CLIENT.

Module license: The FULL license provided you. Example: OWNED-1234567890 (REQUIRED)

Access Control: Click Full administrator


1) Create a welcome template email

Setup->email templates


Unique name "livedrive welcome"

"Create" button

Subject: "New account created"

Body: Paste the following text

Web panel: http://{$service_custom_fields.0}

Username: {$service_custom_fields.1}

Password: {$service_custom_fields.2}

Click on Save Changes button

2) Create a livedrive product:


Details tab:

Product type: other

Product name: A random name for you product, for example "backup plan 1"

Welcome email: livedrive welcome

Pricing tab:

Set your prices. Remember to select recurring if you are using monthly,anually payment.

Module tab:

Module name: livedrive

Set your livedrive product configuration

Check "Automatically setup the product as soon as the first payment is received"


If you are planning to offer more than one livedrive account to same client, custom fields for username and passwor dmust be created.

Custom fields tab :

Add a custom field named “subdomain” in the created product, check show on order form and required.

Note: custom field names are CASE SENSITIVE , so “Subdomain” or “SUBDOMAIN” will not work.

Add a custom field named "Backup username"

"validation" field "/\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*/"

check "show on order form" and "required"

Add a custom field named "Backup password" with type "password"

"validation" field "/^[a-z\d_]{8,28}$/i"

check "show on order form" and "required"

Save Changes

If you are planning to offer NAS option to your clients:

3) Create a Nas clients configurable option:

whmcs->setup->products/services->configurable options

Click "create new group" button

Group name : "livedrive"

Description: "livedrive configurable options"

In Assigned products select all yoru livedrive plans

Click "Add new configurabel option" button

Option Name: "NAS"


Option Type: Quantity

Add option: "1,2,3..."

Click "save changes" button

Set the price for EACH NAS client.

Click "save changes" button.

If you prefer to set the business users in a configurable option instead of a fixed value in the product settings:

whmcs->setup->products/services->configurable options

Click "create new group" button

Group name : "livedrive"

Description: "livedrive configurable options"

In Assigned products select all your BUSINESS livedrive plans

Click "Add new configurabel option" button

Option Name: "Business users"


Option Type: Quantity

Add option: "One","Five","Ten","TwentyFive","Fifty","OneHundred"

NOTE: Each option in a new row, the only valid values for the dropbox options are "One,Five,Ten,TwentyFive,Fifty,OneHundred", NOT DIGITS.

Click "save changes" button

Set the price for EACH BUSINESS client.

Click "save changes" button.

If you are planning to limit the number of computers in your livedrive product:

whmcs->setup->products/services->configurable options

Click "create new group" button(in case its not created)

Group name : "livedrive"

Description: "livedrive configurable options"

In Assigned products select all your livedrive plans

Click "Add new configurabel option" button

Option Name: "Computer limit"


Option Type: Dropdown

Add option: "1"

Repeat it until 10 computers.

Add option: "Unlimited"

Set the price for EACH LIMIT.

Click "save changes" button

computer limit image

How it works?

1)Your client access your whmcs order form and select a package.

2)The order form will ask for a subdomain and check if its valid or not. In case its not valid he will receive an error message with the reason (for example the subdomain “tes”):

subdomain error

3)Your client make an order and pay the invoice 4)The livedrive account is created and you client will receive an email with login instructions


Theres only 3 upgrade options available in livedrive

Backup->Backup&Briefcase(Pro) (add briefcase to backup)

Backup&Briefcase->Backup&Briefcase (briefcase size upgrade)

Any product -> Any product(client limit and NAS clients)

To configure upgrade plans check

NOTE: You can't upgrade a size in a backup account, only in briefcase.


1)When i create a product i get a random subdomain

If the subdomain is used or not allowed, the module will generate a random valid subdomain, also check that your custom field is called “subdomain”.

2) I would like to use the whmcs client username/password for my livedrive account

There's no way to get the whmcs client password since its encrypted.

3) When i add a second livedrive account to my whmcs client i get a “username in use” error

Livedrive api only allow emails as usernames and the module use the whmcs client email as username. When you add 2 livedrive accounts the second one will also try to use the whmcs client email and thats the reason you get that error. The module cant use random emails since its useless specially if the client try to reset his password in the livedrive panel. Im aware its a problem and as soon i find a valid fix i will update it, meanwhile if you want more than livedrive account in 1 whmcs client you must set the username manually in the second account before creation.

4) When i delete an account and try to create it again i get a "username in use" error but theres no such username in my livedrive account anymore

It takes a few minutes for livedrive to free the username in their cluster.